Monday, July 14, 2008

An Open Letter to the U.S. Congress

Accountability Now!
An Open Letter to the U.S. Congress

In November of 2006, I—like a majority of voting Americans—went to the poll to demand change. We were effective in changing a virtual flood of Congressional seats from Republican to Democratic—indicating that we wanted the Democrats to have the majority and the mandate to hold the Executive Branch accountable. We have been sorely disappointed.

Over the course of the past seven years, we have witnessed an administration completely out of control and outside the bounds of law. From a war of aggression launched on totally fabricated pretenses to rendition and illegal detention, unilateral suspension of Habeas Corpus, a clearly illegal Pentagon Propaganda campaign, nullifying legislation with the stroke of a pen and proceeding to violate that legislation, illegally spying on American citizens, suppressing or altering scientific reports, hiring and firing government employees for political reasons, and stonewalling investigations—including refusing Congressional subpoenas, Bush, Cheney et. al. have repeatedly thumbed their noses at the very core of our constitutional democracy. Under your watch, our nation has moved into the ranks of the fascist regimes we have rightly vilified throughout our history.

And yet, Congress, with few exceptions you do nothing.

It is time for that to change. Failing to exercise your Constitutional obligation to be a check against the illicit powers claimed by the Executive Branch and defending the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic is an egregious breech of your oath of office. Unless you act, you are culpable for all the transgressions of this lawless regime.

We, The People want and deserve accountability from our government. We want accountability from the President and Vice President. We want accountability from the Attorney General. We want accountability from the Speaker of the House. We want accountability from the Chair of the House Judiciary Committee who is sitting on Articles of Impeachment detailing the numerous “high crimes and misdemeanors” committed by this Executive Branch. We want accountability from the elected “public servants” in both chambers of Congress and on both sides of the aisle.

And we want it now!

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