Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Impeachment News

Updated 7/30/2008
Update II 7/31/2008

I intend to post a lengthy review of the rather surreal hearings in the House Judiciary Committee last Friday, but am still trying to wrap my brain around the six hours of testimony. In the meantime, this article by Michael Collins is a very telling exposé on the coverage (or lack thereof) by the mainstream media.

This article on AfterDowningStreet.com talks about Nancy Pelosi's patently dishonest claim--on national television--that if someone would show her evidence of Bush's crimes, she would support impeachment hearings. Come on, Nancy, many of these crimes are a matter of public record. If you need some help, this document, put together by Elizabeth de la Vega, might help. Or check out this story, in which Bush admits to having knowledge of and approving "enhanced interrogation techniques," which the International Red Cross says were "categorically torture."

More to come. . . .

In this response to the question of impeachable offenses Bruce Fein makes a very clear case--and only in regard to one of the many charges which could and should be brought against Bush.

Another very strong argument for not only the moral imperitave of impeachment but also the potential political benefits is laid out in this article by occams hatchet posted on Daily Kos.

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