Monday, July 14, 2008

More on Obama's "Move to the Center"

Updated below

I thought this article offered a revealing glimpse into the "appease the right" crap that keeps being shoveled on us.

I also thought it was telling that Hillary Clinton (whom I did not support because I perceived her to be too Washington-Insider-Corporate-Interest-Entrenched to be able to pull us out of the mess we're in) voted against the FISA capitulation fiasco (though she benefited quite handsomely from Telecom industry donations), while Obama (whom I have supported, believing his B.S. about being a "different kind of politician" and an agent of change) voted for it (also benefiting from Telecom industry money). It is rather ironic that Ms. Clinton based her campaign strategy on a Karl Rovian, "be-afraid-of-the-terrorists, I-can-protect-you-when-that-3 a.m.-call-comes" sort of paradigm, while Mr. Obama had the courage—for a time—to challenge that thinking. They traded positions completely when it came down to the actual vote. I commend Senator Clinton for her opposition to this terrible legislation; and I would warn Senator Obama (though I know he doesn't give a rat's ass what I think) that he's getting some VERY POOR campaign advice and ought to fire his whole staff and start over (after all, the "change" thing was working for him well enough to secure the nomination for him. Why is it suddenly an ineffective stance?).

I'm just saying. . . .

This article by David Sirota adds further insight into this phenomenon.

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