Saturday, May 9, 2009

Deception and Lies: A Tragic Tale in Limerick Form (2009 Version)

A neocon think tank called P-NAC
Smokin’ stogies and sippin’ on cognac.
Laid out their fixation,
with world domination,
and said, “we’ll need bases in I-raq.”

They waited with much agitation
For pretense of justification.
Eleven September—That day we remember—
They used for their own exploitation.

Lies, lies, deception and lies!
The Bushies keep pushing their vile enterprise.
The longer we dwell in a state so Orwellian
The closer democracy comes to demise.

“The terrorists,” it was made plain—
as Dubya and Dickie explain—
“were led by Bin Laden.”
But while still jihadin’
Bin Laden morped into Hussein.

“Sadaam is an imminent threat;
he’s got nuk-u-ler weapons, I’d bet.
Though some may dislike
Pre-emptive Strike.
Such doubt we could live to regret!”

Lies, lies, deception and lies!
The Bushies keep pushing their vile enterprise.
The longer we dwell in a state so Orwellian
The closer democracy comes to demise.

And so we began a new era;
Dubya called it “The Great War on Terra.”
With Shock and with Awe,
We savored it all.
Watching CNN, drinking Madeira.

“The fighting will soon be completed.
As heroes we’re sure to be treated.
They’ll forget all the mortars.
Democratic importers!—
as Lib’rators we will be greeted!”

Lies, lies, deception and lies!
The Bushies keep pushing their vile enterprise.
The longer we dwell in a state so Orwellian
The closer democracy comes to demise.

“Mission Accomplished” it read,
The banner that hung overhead.
O’er the crowd Dubya glanced,
In his costume he pranced.
“The battle is over,” he said.

IEDs, though, just kept on exploding.
For our soldiers a sense of foreboding.
From safe on his lawn
Dubya said, “Bring ‘Em On!”
And, alas, they just kept on reloading.

Lies, lies, deception and lies!
The Bushies keep pushing their vile enterprise.
The longer we dwell in a state so Orwellian
The closer democracy comes to demise.

Now six years have passed since that day
On the Lincoln one evening in May.
While I hate to sound crass,
“Accomplished” my ass!
Start bringing our troops home today!

Lies, lies, deception and lies!
The Bushies keep pushing their vile enterprise.
The longer we dwell in a state so Orwellian
The closer democracy comes to demise.

With their spying and lying and fable,
and torture—whatever the label,
It's become very clear,
Ms. Pelosi, my dear:
Impeachment belonged ON THE TABLE!

Their “high crimes” and “treason” aren’t vague.
Their contempt for the law is a plague.
If they dare leave this nation
to take a vacation,
their journey might end at The Hague!

Lies, lies, deception and lies!
The Bushies keep pushing their vile enterprise.
The longer we dwell in a state so Orwellian
The closer democracy comes to demise.

Now Bush and his cronies are done—
Obama quite handily won.
But we feel so naive when
the “Change we believe in”
hasn’t yet really begun.

We’ve been told, “Looking back’s no solution.—
Never mind that old quaint Constitution."
Surely he understands
Now the blood’s on his hands—
“Moving Forward” demands prosecution!

Lies, lies, deception and lies!
Still Washington pushes this vile enterprise.
The longer we dwell in a state so Orwellian
The closer democracy comes to demise.

Copyright 2009

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