Monday, December 6, 2010

Ten Steps Toward a "Fascist Shift"

From The End of America: Letter of Warning to a Young Patriot by Naomi Wolf
  • Invoke an external and internal threat
  • Establish secret prisons
  • Develop a paramilitary force
  • Surveil ordinary citizens
  • Infiltrate citizens’ groups
  • Arbitrarily detain and release citizens
  • Target key individuals
  • Restrict the press
  • Cast criticism as “espionage” and dissent as “treason”
  • Subvert the rule of law
Which of these things have we not yet seen in the good ole US of A?
(I couldn't find one either)

The End of America Documentary

UPDATE--December 10, 2010
Naomi Wolf posts this article in today's Huffington Post:
Espionage Act: How to Engage in Serious Aggression Against the People of the United States

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