Saturday, July 11, 2009

My Letter to AG Holder

Attorney General Holder,

I am pleased to read that you are considering appointing a special prosecutor to investigate the activities of the Bush Administration--particularly in regard to torture. I am, however, amazed that there is anything still to be considered; the information already in the public domain--including numerous, public, recorded admissions by Bush, Cheney, and others--clearly indicts these individuals of serious criminal wrongdoing including war crimes. Our laws and treaty obligations require that you investigate these matters. Every day that goes by further implicates you, the Department of Justice, the Obama Administration, and Congress in complicity in these crimes.

We, The People, have been waiting for you to fulfill your obligation in this matter. We have grown weary of waiting and are losing confidence that any shred remains intact of the constitutional democracy so carefully crafted by our nation's founders.

It has been reported that you remarked not so long ago that our nation would be proud of our government again. I urge you to begin to make it so.

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