Sunday, July 13, 2008

Be Careful What You Read

There’s a movement in our nation
Causing us great consternation:
Records seized and phone calls tapped,
All our travels watched and mapped.

So librarians are fighting
In this cause we are uniting.
We won’t stand by, voices gagged,
While our liberties are bagged.

You should heed our urgent warning—
You’ll be watched by night and morning.
If you glean from what we’ve learned,
then the tables might be turned.

It won’t take too much "grey matter,"
For they’re madder than a hatter.
But to be sure you’re not harmed;
Being forewarned is forearmed.

Be careful what you read.
The government could intercede.
A phoney Patriot could Act
And all your records would be tracked.

Make sure the subject’s not risqué
Most certainly it can’t be gay.
Biography might do the trick;
Unless a Democrat you pick.

Be sure your sources are approved.
or find your freedoms all removed
Must not think outside the box;
only get your news from FOX.

Glenn Greenwald, Stewart, and Colbert
Will leave you caught without a prayer.
With Rush or Coulter you’ll succeed.
So first of all be careful what you read.

Be careful who you call.
The NSA will hear it all.
Just when you think you are alone
There’s someone list’ning on your phone.

Whether abroad or down the street,
don’t think your phone call is discreet.
You thought they gave you quite a rate;
your world, delivered—on a plate!

Say, can you hear me now?
Some privacy they should allow!
They’ll hear the calls to all our Moms—
Like cloak and dagger Peeping Toms.

Be mindful where you tell a joke
Some tight-assed G-man you’ll provoke.
Then F. Lee Baily you will need,
But most of all be careful what you read.

Be careful what you do.
Your motives they could misconstrue.
Don’t protest war or boycott fur;
For discipline you could incur

Deforestation you can’t fight
Lest deportation be your plight.
Though time away would be OK,
It’s not so nice in Gitmo Bay.

Be careful who you pay;
Your bank account they will survey.
That trusty ATM’s no friend,
If all your funds they apprehend.

You thought your new car would impress,
But now you’re tracked by GPS.
While you’ve no flaw in thought or deed,
They force you to be careful what you read.

There’s a moral to our story
Isn’t deep in allegory:
“When the Bill of Rights is sacked,
You will find you’ve been Bush-whacked!”

From the original stage musical Once Upon a Time: Fairy Tales with a Grown-Up Twist copyright 2006

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